What a labor of love! It took Jan – September to complete this baby! That’s nine months! And we literally feel like we grew and birthed a baby lol! Welcome (back) to the world Medley! I am so glad we could save you!
It might have taken 9 months, but I kept a work log and it was really only 26 working days. And most of those days weren’t days at all… they were a couple hours here and there. In between kids and work and normal adult responsibilities. And over several glasses of wine and charcuterie boards. Rachel and I kinda have a thing for charcuterie boards. But it was always a happy hour when I got to work on the camper with my best friend! It was a lot of work and very overwhelming at times, but I learned so much and now we have a tiny home on wheels that we can take anywhere! I can’t wait until our next adventure!